Sani Sade Sati, or Sade Sati, is a seven-and-a-half-year period of uncertainty and hardship. Saturn or Shani enters the zodiac sign before the janma rasi (birth chart moon sign) begins Sade Sati. Shani leaves the zodiac sign after the moon’s. Saturn, known as Sade Sati, takes seven and a half years to transit three signs because it takes two and a half years to transit Shanis dhaiya. Sade-Sati usually appears in a horoscope three times: in childhood, youth, and old age. First Sade-Sati affects parents and education. Second Sade-Sati affects work, money, and family. Health is most affected by the last. Shani Sade Sati cycles every 25 years. Misfortunes, tragedies, anxieties, delays, and more are thought to come with it. Shani Sade Sati is also known as Sade Sati, Shanichari, Ezharai Sani, and much more in other regional languages.
Saturn is the planet which delays things and fructifies results of your own efforts drawn at an earlier part of your life, very late. Shani takes 2.5 years to move from one sign to another sign of the Zodiac Belt. If we calculate it for 3 signs i.e. 12th, 1st and 2nd signs from the Natal Moon, it comes 3 x 2.5= 7.5 years. Let’s understand how these 7.5 years are categorised in three phases or panoti during Saturn Transit:
Sade Sati is split into 3 stages based on the movement. During these times, Saturn moves through the first, second, and twelfth houses from a person’s birth moon sign. These are the three stages of Sade Sati:
Rising or 1st phase of Sade Sati:
This period begins with the transit of Saturn in the 12th house from the Moon sign. The Saturn aspects 2nd, 6th, and 9th house during this time.
Mid or Peak Phase of Sade Sati:
The Saturn over here aspects the 3rd, 7th, and 10th house. This phase begins when Saturn transits from the Birth Moon Sign.
Setting or Last Phase of Sade Sati:
The transit of Saturn in the 2nd house in link to the Moon sign marks the beginning of the last phase.
There are two other phases apart from these 3 phases mentioned above. Namely-
Artha Ashtam Shani- Shani Dhaiya: Saturn enters the 4th house from the Birth Moon. You confront several domestic issues throughout this 2.5-year phase.
Ashtam Shani Dhaiya: Saturn entering the 8th house from Moon’s natal sign commences Ashtam Shani Dhaiya. In this 2.5-year period, natives experience health challenges, financial issues, sudden losses, high expenses, stress, quarrels, and separation from friends and family.
Effects of Sade Sati:
Let’s have a look at the effects of Sade Sati during the three phases:
- Rising Phase:
A person may face obstacles, feel exhausted, and experience insomnia and mental unrest. Hospitalization and medical concerns might raise medical costs—depression, anxiety, doubts, and negativity. Higher education has challenges.
- Peak Phase:
Increased uncertainty and discomfort. Too much daydreaming and anxiety. Discontent, rage, and tension, you may change careers or move abroad. Promotions or evaluations are delayed.
- Setting Phase:
Losing family and friends’ support. Loan and debt payments can pile up. Health concerns and extramarital encounters may emerge. Slowed development. Purchase of a car or home.
Shani Sade Sati indicates a 7.5-year unpleasant phase in a person’s life. Natives always suffer from it. If Sade sati is in its benefic position or own sign, its effects can be lessened. Though it is difficult to reverse, a professional astrologer can offer helpful solutions.
What activities should be avoided during the Sade Sati period?
Sade Sati directly harms the psyche. Some chores are unsuitable right now, so be careful.
You should avoid risky sports. It is important to avoid getting into any fights at home or at work during Sade Sati. When you are behind the wheel, avoid having a reckless attitude. When travelling alone at night, you should avoid doing so. Stay away from any formal or legal agreements that you might be a witness to. Please refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages on Saturdays and Tuesdays. When shopping on Saturdays and Tuesdays, you should avoid purchasing products made of leather or black clothing. Refrain from engaging in any activities that breach the law or are unethical.
Saturn is usually the most negative planet in astrology, although not always. It usually judges you on your acts or karma. Acts of compassion will bless you. Your excellent karma ensured a positive conclusion despite the lateness.
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